How can digital technology like smartphone apps help with care for patients at clinical high risk for psychosis or with first episode psychosis?

Patients at clinical high risk for psychosis or with first episode psychosis increasingly own and use smartphones today. These smartphone can also be used to advance mental health and patient recovery. A 2019 review of smartphone apps for these populations focused on how they can help with core domains in care including case management and team leadership, recovery-oriented psychotherapy, medication management, employment and education support, coordination with primary care services, and family education and support. The review found 21 studies of 16 unique apps. Results suggested that today these apps are being used to support case management and recovery-oriented psychotherapy (peer led or online CBT) and there is less focus on other core domains. With the most evidence and examples of using smartphones to support case management and therapy, these domains are a useful starting point if considering using smartphone technology in care.

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