How does one find a Supported Employment Program (SEP) or a Supported Employment Counselor (SEC)?

It is great that you or your relative is considering returning to work or wants to start working for the first time. Finding a Supported Employment Program (SEP) or a Supported Employment Counselor (SEC) can be quite challenging. The availability of supported employment programs and specially trained supported employment professionals varies depending on one’s city or state so finding one might be difficult. A good place to start looking would be one’s local Community or County Mental Health Agency. Another suggestion is to check with your State Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, which might employ an SEC. In addition, most states have an Employment Development Department or local Office of Unemployment. Even if these departments do not have a certified SEP or SEC, they usually offer services or programs related to helping individuals with disabilities find a job. If you do experience difficulty in finding a SEP or counselor, we suggest advocating for the development of these services to the appropriate decision makers in your community mental health system.

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