How do I know if depression is severe?

There are various forms of depression, from situational depressive episodes to chronic depressive disorders which can vary in severity. You can establish your initial level of current depressive symptoms by completing a screening tool like the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), which can be found here:

Depending on the findings of this screener, your symptom severity, and for how long you have had difficulties with depression, a provider can establish how severe your particular issue with depression might be and what plan for treatment might be indicated, whether that might be psychotherapy, medication, or both. Of course, if you are having any suicidal or self harm thoughts, then your situation warrants urgent care in an urgent care/emergency/inpatient psychiatric setting for live evaluation for safety.

If it is necessary to locate a provider for someone who is not connected with a provider of mental healthcare, there are numerous ways to locate one, including the following:

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