How can I or my colleagues get training in Life Goals?

The Life Goals Self-Management Skills Program is an evidence-based, manual-guided, recovery-oriented intervention for individuals with mood disorders and related challenges (, also

Life Goals training for clinicians and peer specialists is provided on-line free of charge ( The training consists of three stages. Training Level 1 is an on-demand, self-paced, web-based training in the history, evidence, principles, and basic techniques of Life Goals (about 4 hours). Training Level 2 is an interactive cyber-seminar with live role-playing with faculty, including guidance on how to implement Life Goals in your specific setting (about 4 hours). Continuing education credits for most disciplines, including AMA Category 1 CME credits, are available for Training Levels 1 and 2. Training Level 3 consists of case consultation with a Life Goals faculty member.

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