What is Organizational Readiness for Change?

Ever wonder why one intervention can be easily implemented in usual care and others fail miserably? Well, we need to consider the organizational context where we will implement the practice and address any areas that might be barriers to implementation. We ask ourselves, “Is my organization/clinic ready for [this] change?” Some key factors associated with organizational readiness include: 1) Change valence: Do the employees see benefit of the change to be implemented? 2) Change efficacy: Do the employees believe the change can be implemented? Do they see that there is capacity to make the change? 3) Change necessity: Do the employees believe the difference between the current state and the change state is worthy of the effort? 4) Change support: Do employees see commitment from organizational leaders and opinion leaders to make this change? What is leadership willing to commit to in order for the change to happen? It is best to measure readiness anonymously in order to gain a truthful assessment of the organizations readiness to change.

Some measures that have good psychometric support and are brief include:

TCU Readiness for Change (different versions for different clinic roles) can be found at: https://ibr.tcu.edu/forms/organizational-staff-assessments/

Organizational Readiness to Change Assessment: https://www.nccmt.ca/knowledge-repositories/search/187

Once readiness is assessed, leadership can target ways to address barriers (i.e., improving perception of necessity) prior to implementation.

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