What is feedback-informed treatment?

Feedback-informed treatment (FIT) is an evidence-based practice recognized by SAMSHA where clinicians gather real-time input from clients using structured measures to identify what is and is not working in therapy and then adjust to better meet client’s needs. FIT aims to incorporate the client’s perspective about the therapeutic relationship. FIT has been shown to be effective because clinicians use measures to monitor their performance, it helps to select the most effective treatment methods, and it enhances the therapeutic relationship. The two measures primarily used are the Session Rating Scale (SRS) and the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS). The SRS is a four-item measure of the therapeutic alliance that includes gathering information about how the client feels about the relationship, the goals and topics, the approach to treatment, and an overall rating. The ORS measures the client’s perspective of change or improvement (or lack thereof) in relation to where they started. The ORS asks about progress in the following areas: individual, interpersonal, social, and overall. These measures have good reliability and validity and are designed to be used in everyday practice.

View this article for more information on how to incorporate FIT into practice.

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