What are strategies to support resilience and prevent burnout among mental health staff during and after the COVID-19 pandemic?

It is important to consider staff’s full range of needs during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Most fundamental is the need for physical safety, comprising adequate personal protective equipment and training in how to use it, along with rapid access to evaluation and testing if symptoms warrant. Next are staff physical needs, including access to healthy meals and hydration while working, transportation and childcare as needed. Finally, mental health support can range from easily accessible self-care resources such as mindfulness to virtual support groups, through formal mental health treatment among staff who develop serious symptoms or problems functioning. Gratitude to staff individually and through public recognition can help build morale and staff cohesiveness. Many mental health organizations are developing innovative strategies to address staff well-being, and are sharing best practices and ideas with eachother.

For more information, watch this free webinar recording from the Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions: COVID-19 Office Hours – Promoting Staff Wellness and Retention

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