TA Coalition Webinar: Beating the Clock: Reducing the Duration of Untreated Psychosis

This resource was selected by SMI Adviser content partners and approved by the SMI Adviser clinical expert team for inclusion in the knowledge base.

The “duration of untreated psychosis” is the time between the onset of psychosis and accessing appropriate treatment. The shorter the period of untreated psychosis, the better the outcomes for people. Unfortunately, people with early psychosis typically experience significant delays in accessing treatment and services – an average of 74 weeks in the U.S. With stakeholder collaboration, communities, families and caregivers can help identify young adults with psychosis quicker – and get them into effective programs that support recovery and keep lives on track.

This webinar discusses strategies for engaging people in evidence-based first episode psychosis programs, building awareness through targeted outreach, collaborating with systems partners, encouraging help-seeking, and how all of this can impact the trajectory their wellness.


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