How can leadership support quality improvement efforts?

There are several ways in which leadership can support QI efforts locally:

  • Create a vision for quality by setting shared goals for performance
  • Build staff capacity for quality improvement
  • Build motivation for quality improvement
  • Establish a quality improvement team
  • Involve all staff who work in the targeted care area
  • Dedicate time to measure clinic performance
  • Provide time to openly discuss both successes and failures
  • Make sure that the ‘voice’ of the client is heard and acted on
  • Involve staff and clients in understanding data and making decisions based on it
  • Use available existing resources to strengthen QI activities
  • Include a budget for QI that provides for training



Plsek PE. Quality improvement methods in clinical medicine. Pediatrics. 1999 Jan;103(1 Suppl E):203-14.

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