How can care managers use motivational interviewing to help promote positive health behavior change in their patients with serious mental illness?

Motivational interviewing (MI) is a counseling approach that helps foster positive behavior change by helping clients to explore and resolve ambivalence. Motivational interviewing has been demonstrated to be an effective strategy for supporting self management and promoting health behaviors such as smoking reduction, healthy eating, physical activity, and treatment engagement for individuals with serious mental illness. It is a core skill that can be used by any mental health provider, including care managers, in helping foster effective behavior change and care for this population.

To learn more about this and other practical strategies that care managers can use in promoting the health of their patients with SMI, you can view this free webinar from SMI Adviser: Practical Tools for Behavioral Health Staff Supporting the Medical Care of People with Serious Mental Illness (July 2020)

To learn more about how motivational interviewing can be used in patients with SMI, see this resource from SMI Adviser: What is motivational interviewing? 

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