Culturally Competent Care for Black American Adults with Serious Mental Illness: Addressing Barriers and Enhancing Clinical Practice

This resource was created by SMI Adviser content partners and approved by the SMI Adviser clinical expert team for inclusion in the knowledge base.

This guide helps you enhance your practice and provide culturally competent care for Black American adults who have serious mental illness (SMI). It addresses common barriers to access mental health services and provides practical strategies to overcome them.

It is imperative to deliver culturally competent care that is tailored for Black Americans. These individuals are less likely to receive care that is consistent with guidelines. They are also more likely to use emergency rooms or primary care instead of the mental health care system. These are a few of the reasons why disparities in care continue for Black Americans. When you put the recommendations from this guide into practice, you can make a meaningful difference in the lives of people in your care and contribute to a more inclusive and equitable mental health system.

This resource was developed in collaboration with Jason Phillips, LCSW.


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