Behavioral Health Homes for People with Mental Health & Substance Use Conditions: The Core Clinical Features

This resource was selected by SMI Adviser content partners and approved by the SMI Adviser clinical expert team for inclusion in the knowledge base.

Behavioral Health Homes for People with Mental Health & Substance Use Conditions: The Core Clinical Features proposes a set of core clinical features of a behavioral health home (i.e., a behavioral health agency that serves as a health home for people with mental health and substance use disorders). It provides context to the development of the health home option and its relationship to the person-centered medical home; outlines established principles of effective care and the chronic care model for serving people with chronic illnesses; applies the chronic care model as the framework for the behavioral health home’s clinical features; and describes multiple organizational models for structuring the behavioral health home.


View more resources on Health Homes and Medical Homes from the SAMHSA-HRA Center for Integrated Solutions 

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