Recovery Oriented Cognitive Therapy (CT-R) Approaches in Treating People with Serious Mental Illness including Discussion of the 2018 TTI Initiative

Aug 29th, 2019

Please join us for this SAMHSA sponsored webinar developed under contract by the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors .

Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy (CT-R) is a theoretically-driven, evidence-based approach that operationalizes recovery, resiliency, and empowerment for individuals who experience serious mental health challenges. Beck’s cognitive model guides the development of a positive and personal life-space — accessing and strengthening one’s best self, actively contributing and enjoying others, richly building aspirations to fill the future with hope and purpose — and provides insight into often complex challenges that get in the way of living a life of one’s choosing. Providers become powerful partners — meeting individuals where they are at, accessing adaptive modes of living, instilling daily living with purpose, and collaboratively developing resiliency in the face of life’s inevitable stress. CT-R assists in the successful integration of adaptive beliefs and confidence that enables individuals to thrive.

CT-R is readily teachable and has been successfully implemented across settings (hospital, residential, case management team, outpatient clinic, veterans’ administration) and formats (individual therapy, group therapy, team-based, milieu). The webinar will focus on the science supporting the model, the basic protocol, as well as successful implementation in mental health systems to promote culture change and continuity of care. The webinar will use examples from SAMHSA’s Transformation Transfer Initiative’s six projects in Georgia, Massachusetts, Montana, New Jersey, New York, and Vermont.


  • Paul M. Grant, Ph.D. – Research Assistant Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry at the Aaron T. Beck Psychopathology Research Center
  • Ellen Inverso, Psy.D. – Director of Clinical Training and Education of the Beck Recovery Training Network at the Aaron T. Beck Psychopathology Research Center
Aug 29th, 2019