Long-acting injection antipsychotic medications in the management of schizophrenia (excerpt from APA Clinical Practice Guideline)

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Antipsychotic drugs are recommended both for the treatment of the acute episodes and the prevention of recurrence of psychosis. Long-term goals of treatment of schizophrenia include relapse prevention, recovery, improved adherence to therapy and improved patients’ quality of life. Antipsychotics in combination with other therapeutic interventions are considered essential for the achievement of these long-term goals. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has recently updated their clinical guideline for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia.

However, relevant issues relating to the pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia still remain unresolved. Poor adherence to antipsychotic therapy is an important factor that contributes to the possible inadequacy of treatment.

A considerable effort has been put into the development of antipsychotic drugs with better tolerability, or in formulations that enable less frequent administration, including long-acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotics. In recent years, the development of these formulations with atypical antipsychotics and the promising results obtained in well-conducted trials with these compounds are changing the attitudes towards these drugs, traditionally reserved to patients with long-term histories of non-adherence to treatment.

View the resource below to learn more.

Long-acting injection antipsychotic medications in the management of schizophrenia (Evidence Based Psychiatric Care, 2015)


View more resources on long-acting injectables from Evidence Based Psychiatric Care.

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