What are available practice guidelines for schizophrenia and early course psychosis?

There are numerous practice guidelines available for schizophrenia and early course psychosis. While no practice guidelines are a substitute for your clinical judgement and decision making, they can offer useful information and serve as a good reference. For example, these guidelines can offer useful information about managing patients with schizophrenia prodrome, early course schizophrenia, and longer standing illness. Many offer treatment pathways around medication usage, such as when to use clozapine, as well as psychosocial interventions and the role of peer support. Most guidelines take up to a year to draft, and many are not updated for many years after release, so are not able to reflect the most current evidence. SMI Adviser has assembled a collection of current guidelines you can access. We do not endorse any but offer a variety each with a slightly different focus. They include ones from a commercial insure, a review of those from the American Psychiatric Association (APA), two from the Schizophrenia Patient Outcomes Research Team (PORT) and two from Canada.

U.S. Guidelines

International Guidelines

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