What is tardive dyskinesia (TD)?

Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is a hyperkinetic movement disorder resulting from long-term exposure to dopamine receptor antagonists (DRAs), including typical and atypical antipsychotics. TD is characterized by athetoid or choreiform movements that last for at least several weeks to meet diagnostic criteria. The involuntary movements generally occur in the tongue, lower face and jaw, and upper/lower extremities. TD typically develops after 3 months of exposure to offending agent and can develop rapidly on the geriatric population.  If TD appears after withdrawal or change in antipsychotic medication, it is known as neuroleptic withdrawal-emergent dyskinesia. TD is generally irreversible and can be socially stigmatizing as well as cause considerable functional impairment. The symptoms of TD are chronic but may wax and wane over time.

See this tip about treatment of TD

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