Is telehealth effective for individuals who have serious mental illness?

Several reviews show that telehealth offers the same benefits as in-person care. This is true for all mental health conditions. This includes serious mental illness (SMI).

The only known reason that telehealth may not help is if a patient does not want to participate.

Learn more about common myths around SMI and technology, including telehealth. See our infographic on this topic.


Find tips you can use to prepare for and engage in telehealth visits.



  • Bashshur RL, Shannon GW, Bashshur N, Yellowlees PM. The empirical evidence for telemedicine interventions in mental disorders. Telemedicine and e-Health. 2016 Feb 1;22(2):87-113.
  • Hubley S, Lynch SB, Schneck C, Thomas M, Shore J. Review of key telepsychiatry outcomes. World Journal of Psychiatry. 2016 Jun 22;6(2):269.
  • Smith K et al. COVID-19 and telepsychiatry: An evidence-based guidance for clinicians. JMIR Mental Health 2020 Jul 10; [e-pub].
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