The Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) is an international, multidisciplinary resource for professionals in the addictions treatment and recovery services field.
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The Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network disseminates and implements technology transfer of evidence-based practices for mental disorders into the field.
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The Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Network provides training and technical assistance services to the substance abuse prevention field including professionals/pre-professionals, organizations, and others in the prevention community.
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This SUD-Training initiative aims to provide an introduction to the fundamental elements needed for health professionals, including medicine, nursing, physician associate, social work, pharmacy and public health, while simultaneously cultivating interprofessional learning across disciplines.
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Provider Clinical Support System (PCSS) provides evidence-based training and resources to give healthcare providers the skills and knowledge they need to treat patients with opioid use disorder.
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Focus PHI develops and increases access to simple, clear, and actionable educational resources, training, and technical assistance for consumers and their families, and individuals at the front-lines of care.
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The African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence aims to transform behavioral health services for African Americans, making them: Safer, More effective, More accessible, More inclusive More welcoming, More engaging, and More culturally appropriate and responsive.
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The Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity implements change strategies within mental health and substance use disorder treatment systems to address disparities effecting LGBTQ+ people across all stages of life.
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The E4 Center measurably advances training and workforce capacity with a specific focus on the community-based implementation of evidence-based practices and programs for vulnerable older adults who experience the greatest behavioral and physical health disparities in the nation.
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The Homeless and Housing Resource Center provides high-quality, no-cost training for health and housing professionals in evidence-based practices that contributes to housing stability, recovery, and an end to homelessness.
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National Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders (NCEED) is the nation’s first center of excellence dedicated to eating disorders. Its mission is to advance education and training of healthcare providers and to promote public awareness of eating disorders and eating disorder treatment.
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The National Family Support Technical Assistance Center (NFSTAC) is the nation’s first SAMHSA funded Center of Excellence focused on supporting families and caregivers of children, regardless of their age, who experience serious mental illness and/or substance use challenges.
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The Peer Recovery Center of Excellence has four focus areas: Clinical Integration of Peers into Non-Traditional Settings, Recovery Community Organization Capacity Building, Peer Workforce Development, and Evidence-Based Practice & Practice-Based Evidence Dissemination.
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