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Clozapine Dose Planner
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Clozapine Dose Planner
This tool has been developed to assist you in thinking about the pharmacokinetics of clozapine. The information here is synthesized from clinical research studies and may not be representative of an individual patient response.
This tool is not intended to influence prescribing practices but should be used to provide an estimate of what plasma level might be obtained, given the parameters of age, gender, weight, and smoking status.
Clinical decisions should be based upon your knowledge of the patient’s situation and history and the plasma level itself, not an estimate. Clozapine levels should be drawn in the morning 12 hours after the last dose. If there is a morning clozapine dose, it should be held until the level can be drawn.
Which of the following scenarios would you like to explore?
I would like to predict the clozapine level based on the clozapine dose, smoking status, sex, weight, and age
I would like to predict the clozapine dose that would be needed to achieve a clozapine level that I determine (e.g. 350 ng/mL) based on the patient’s smoking status, sex, weight, and age.
Please note, this tool was not developed to be used for transgender individuals.
Kilograms (kg)
Pounds (lbs)
Weight (lbs)
Clozapine dose predictions may not be accurate for individuals with very low or very high body weight.
Weight (kg)
Clozapine dose predictions may not be accurate for individuals with very low or very high body weight.
Clozapine Dose (FDA maximum 900 mg)
Clozapine Level (ng/mL)
This tool is not meant to serve as a guideline for individual patient management. It should not be considered as statement of the standard of care or inclusive of all considerations relevant to care. Any action suggested by this tool should not be used by a clinician without evaluation of each individual patient’s specific conditions and possible contraindications or dangers in use, review of any applicable manufacturer’s product information, and comparison with recommendations of other authorities. Effort has been made in preparing this tool to provide accurate and up-to-date information that is in accord with accepted standards and practice at the time of release. Nevertheless, APA provide the tool on an “as is” basis and makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding the tool, including that the information contained herein is free from error. APA assumes no responsibility and disclaims all liability for any injury or damage to persons or property arising out of or related to any use of this tool or for any errors or omissions.